A grant from Pikes Peak United Way has been awarded to fund an initiative to help feed restaurant workers and support local restaurants in the Pikes Peak region. The initiative, called Rally for Restaurants, will pay local restaurants to feed displaced restaurant workers and their immediate family members for free. Individuals or organizations wishing to donate to the cause can go to ppunitedway.org and click the “donate” button.
This year, restaurant and hospitality workers have faced adversity because of restaurant restrictions due to Covid-19. Restaurants are struggling to stay open, and many restaurant and hospitality workers have been laid off. Those who are still working are making a fraction of what they are used to. This grant will allow select restaurants to provide 300 meals per week to restaurant workers in need for 11 weeks.
The initiative will support the hospitality industry through meals and camaraderie. Twice a week, two restaurants will serve 75 meals each, for a total of 300 meals per week. Each restaurant will be paid for the meals they serve at a rate of $15 per meal, which will help the restaurants make extra money while feeding displaced restaurant workers and their immediate family members.
Restaurant workers — both employed and unemployed — may register for their meal using the Eventbrite link posted on this website each week. Workers may claim up to four meals per day in order to feed themselves and their households.
THANK YOU TO ALL WHO PARTICIPATED AND HELPED MAKE RALLY FOR RESTAURANTS POSSIBLE. Throughout Rally for Restaurants we were able to provide 3,750 free meals to restaurant workers and supported 51 restaurants and food trucks in the Colorado Springs area.
Rally for Restaurants is organized by Springs Native, with the endorsement and support of the Pikes Peak Chapter of the Colorado Restaurant Association and the Colorado Springs Bartenders Guild. Donations are being accepted to support the cause.